We are committed to:
This policy is a working document based on the Children Act 1989, outlining Policy and Procedures which need to be followed in order to ensure the safest possible practice.
It sets out the Procedure which must be followed in the event of suspected, actual, or disclosure of abuse of a child or vulnerable adult.
This is a public document. Copies of it and supportive training are to be provided and taken up by those who work with children and young people at MTV Youth Hampton.
We have appointed Holger Marsen as our Safeguarding Lead and Nick Neilan as the Deputy Safeguarding Lead. They should be contacted with any concerns via the club phone (07469147137), or safeguarding@mtvhampton.org.uk.
Alternatively, concerns can also be raised to any of the Trustees of the charity (https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5045631/trustees).
A full copy of the safeguarding policy is available on request - get in touch with us via the contact form. Further details are posted inside the safeguarding policy but direct contact can be made via safeguarding@mtvhampton.org.uk.
Single Point of Access:
020 8547 5008 (Mon–Thu 8am–5.15pm, Fri 8am-5pm)
020 8770 5000 (out of hours)
Adult Social Care:
020 8891 7971 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
Richmond Council Emergency Out of Hours Team:
020 8744 2442
999 or 111 in non-emergencies
Richmond Police Child Protection Team:
020 8247 6331
0808 800 5000
0800 1111
0808 1000 900
Family Lives (previously Parentline Plus) helpline:
0808 800 2222
Thirtyone:eight (previously CCPAS) 24 hour helpline:
0303 003 1111
In an emergency, always call 999.